It's pretty simple. Im a political news junkie, like more than a few of you here, however I know I have the same issues as well.
Some of us work for a living, some of us are outright lazy in how we come about our news, Im one of these people. Maybe it doesn't qualify me to speak my mind about issues. Maybe i should be derided for such shortcomings.
I dont think so.
I think that our lives are all perceived by ourselves through the filters we have in place. I tend to think the filter i see news through is closer to the filter most people see news through (with a few exceptions like religion) I think that stated opinions of people who may not have every delicious morsel available on the internet, TV , and radio is probably MORE worthy of discussion and analysis than that of those who do have such access and drive.
I realize the aim of this community is to become more informed and inform others, I think that is a worthy goal, I just think context is also important.
If for no other reason my diary today is about practice in presenting my ideas in the proper format. My un-higher-educated self does not have the refinement that the author of this site or his selectmen do. I am not a reporter, I am not a lifelong activist, I am not a minority with amazing stories of fighting oppresion, I am not a scientist with arcane knowledge of a hot topic.
Im nothing special here.
I think it makes all the difference. I admit I am ignorant, I want to be explained respectfully why I'm right or wrong. Thats honestly my goal here and in life in generally. I try my best to keep my passions in check, to make few opinions and collect much facts.
In short Id like to contribute to the larger discussion here, I just dont think it is my particular talent.
I think this is not entirely uncommon with most people. I think almost everyone has 1 2 or 3 things they do better than most people, and often those things will get pointed out by others, but less often than naught do those talents get pushed, and I think that leads to regret for more than a few of us. Few people feel we belong behind the cash register at the Gas Station, behind the wheel of the pizza delivery truck, or loading pallets on a fork lift in the back of a hardware store, but that is where we end up. I have not ended up in that situation, but I could have easily, I attribute my success in life to sheer dumb ignorant luck with a dash of hustle.
Either way With this in mind, Ill present a few things that have piqued my interest today:
1.Pat Buchanan on Dan Abrams told another guest to shut up. Pretty insulting, and I don't mean insulting of Pat , we've all known Pat's temperament for years. It's pretty insulting that Dan didn't stop and kick Pat right off the show immediately.
2.Keith O's special comments are passionate and emotional appeals to the people he condemns. I know everyone else realized this a long while back. I didn't notice what that "special sauce" he had was until tonight. Now I understand. When you appeal to someone's character and integrity, it is much more damning that simple denouncement and condemnation.
3.Gas at 110$ today. Closing at 109$ & change. It remains a point of irritation for me that all serious presidential candidates look at "fossil fuel reform" as a long term multi-decade change. 2050 seems to be this magical number they keep throwing around. Am I the only one who sees the absolute insanity in that? does noone realize that 5 years is going to be pretty huge, 10 years unfathomable, 20 years SPECIES ALTERING in this debate. I am saving some special inside information on this for it's own diary at a later date.
Anyhow this has been my attempt to be coherent today, I am most likely going to try and write more, and improve myself, this is what brings me happyness and so I proceed.